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Underwater and Maritime Archaeology
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General Resources
Projects and Essays
- The Torrent Shipwreck Project, Alaska
- RS Operations - Specialists in organizing and conducting searches for lost shipwrecks
- The Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project
- The Mombasa Wreck Excavation - The Santo Antonio de Tanna, Turkey
- Dor Project - Two wrecks in the ancient harbour of Dor in Israel
- Ocracoke Shipwreck Explorer
- Underwater Mystery Unravels - Beijing, China
- Benwood Historic Shipwreck 1942, Florida Keys
- The Thaikkal Find - A Thousand-Year-Old Hull in India
- Denbigh Project - Archaeology of a Confederate Blockade Runner
- Emanuael Point Shipwreck, Florida
- The Hunley Project
- The La Salle Shipwreck Project
- Little Salt Spring Underwater Archaeology Project
- The Mary Rose
- The Mast Wreck, Sweden
- Operation Phips, Archeaological Rescue of a 17th Century Shipwreck
- Port Royal Project
- King Øystein`s Harbour at Agdenes - Norway
- The Swan, Duart Point Shipwreck, Isle of Mull, Scotland
- Schiffswracks im Bodensee - German
- The Titanic
- Shipwrecks of Angra Bay, Azores islands, Portugal
- Archaeological Study of a Limestone Sinkhole: Diving in Manantial de la Aleta East National Park, Dominican Republic
- Uluburun Wreck, Turkey
- Mica Shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico
- Brederode - South Africa
- Three Facets Of Maritime Archaeology: Society, Landscape and Critique
- Museum of Tropical Queensland's Great Gallery and the Pandora Gallery
Coastal Archaeology
Programs and Museums
Organizations, Institutes, Publications
Books from 
The Lost Ships of Guadalcanal: Exploring the Ghost Fleet of the South Pacific
Coastal and Maritime Archaeology
Nautical Archaeology
Maritime Archaeology
Archaeology Underwater: The Nas Guide to Principles and Practice
Archaeology Underwater: An Atlas of the World's Submerged Sites
Royal Captain: A Ship Lost in the Abyss
International Handbook of Underwater Archaeology
Secrets of the Bible Seas: An Underwater Archaeologist in the Holy Land
Submerged Cultural Resource Management: Preserving and Interpreting Our Sunken Maritime Heritage
The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: Before and After the 2001 UNESCO Convention
The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: An Emerging Objective of the Contemporary Law of the Sea
The Western River Steamboat (Studies in Nautical Archaeology, No. 8)
Underwater Dig: Introduction to Marine Archaeology
Underwater Dig: The Excavation of a Revolutionary War Privateer
A History of Seafaring: Based on Underwater Archaeology
The Great Ship Vasa
How We Found the Mary Rose
King Henry VIII's Mary Rose
The Last Voyage of El Nuevo Constante: The Wreck and Recovery of an Eighteenth-Century Spanish Ship Off the Louisiana Coast
Shipwrecks and Archaeology: The Unharvested Sea
Archaeology Beneath the Sea
Alexandria: The Sunken City
Shipwrecks of Isle Royale National Park: The Archeological Survey
Yassi Ada: A Seventh-Century Byzantine Shipwreck
Archaeology Underwater
Introducing Underwater Archaeology
The Lure of Sunken Treasure: Under the Sea With Marine Archaeologists and Treasure Hunters
The Sea Remembers: Shipwrecks and Archaeology: From Homer's Greece to the Rediscovery of the Titanic
Tarquin's ship : the Etruscan wreck in Campese Bay
La grotte Cosquer : plongée dans la préhistoire
The Persistence of Sail in the Age of Steam: Underwater Archaeological Evidence from the Dry Tortugas
Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks
The Material Culture of Steamboat Passengers - Archaeological Evidence from the Missouri River
The Athlit Ram (The Nautical Archaeology Series, No 3)
HMS Colossus: the story of the salvage of the Hamilton treasures
Vancouver's undersea heritage : shipwrecks and submerged cultural sites in Burrard Inlet and Howe Sound
For Future Generations: Conservation of a Tudor Maritime Collection (The Archaeology of the Mary Rose, 5)
Paleoshores and Prehistory: An Investigation of Method
Archaeology and Coastal Landscapes
Stabilisation of coastal archaeological sites in Victoria
Archaeology of Coastal Changes
Quaternary Coastlines and Marine Archaeology: Towards the Prehistory of Land Bridges and Continental Shelves

Underwater Archaeology Books