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Australian and Oceania Archaeology
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New Zealand
Oceania Islands
- Le Kalimanthrope - Borneo French
- Easter Island's End By Jared Diamond, Discover Magazine, August 1995
- Obsidian Trade and Exchange in Melanesia
- Mangaia, Cook Islands
- Spice Islands Archaeology Project
- Hawai'i Archaeological Research Project, Kohala
- Hawaiian Petroglyphs
- Felicia R. Beardsley: Micronesian Diary
- Marianas Bioarchaeology Home Page
- New Georgia Archaeological Survey Project 1996-2000 - Solomon Islands
- The Roviana and Vonavona Lagoons Marine Resource Management Project 2000-2002 - Solomon Islands
- Archaeology in the Marquesas, Andover Foundation for Archaeological Research - Tahuata, in the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia
- Fidji - Cikobia et Naqelevu: Deux îles fidjiennes à la charnière entre cultures mélanésienne et polynésienne
- Nouvelle Guinée - Irian Jaya, deux millénaires de production céramique
- Indonésie - Les grottes des montagnes du sud de Java, Mission Quaternaire et Préhistoire en Indonésie
- Kalinga ethnoarchaeological project - Philipines
- Philippine Prehistory
- South-West Pacific Cultural Heritage Training Program: Papua New Guinea
- Thirty-five thousand years in New Ireland
- Archaeological and palaeontological research in central Flores, east Indonesia
- Pampanga, the Philippines
Books from 
Gold, iron, and steam: the industrial archaeology of the Palmer Goldfield
After Captain Cook, The Archaeology of the Recent Indigenous Past in Australia
Meaning and Ideology in Historical Archaeology: Style, Social Identity and Capitlaism in an Australian Town
The Archaeology of Australia's History
Polynesians: Prehistory of an Island People
Stabilisation of coastal archaeological sites in Victoria
A Prehistory of Australia, New Guinea and Sahul
Sydney's Aboriginal Past: Investigating the Archaeological and Historical Records
Industrial archaeology in Australia: rural industry
Archaeology of the Gallus site, Koonalda cave
Australia's Age of Iron: History and Archaeology
The Enduring Past: Archaeology of the Ancient World for Australians
The Archaeology of the Peripheral Pa at Pouerua, Northland, New Zealand
Comparative studies in the archaeology of colonialism
In Oceania: Visions, Artifacts, Histories
A Kivi-Vai Teka Complex and Its Relationship to Easter Island Architectural Prehistory
Easter Island: Archaeology, Ecology, and Culture
Prehistoric Architecture in Micronesia
The Archaeology of Micronesia
Feathered Gods and Fishhooks: An Introduction to Hawaiian Archaeology and Prehistory
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii: The Archaeology of History
Archaeology of Fuga Moro Island: New Approaches for the Isolation and Explanation of Diagnostic Ceramic Assemblages in Northern Luzon, Philippines

Australia Archaeology Books