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Standing Stones (Menhirs) and Stone Circles, Cromlechs
Cairns and Passage Tombs
Books from 
Rings of stone: the prehistoric stone circles of Britain and Ireland
Prehistoric Avebury
Cobble Circles and Standing Stones: Archaeology at the Rivas Site, Costa Rica
Prehistoric Stone Circles
Circles and Standing Stones: An Illustrated Exploration of Megalith Mysteries of Early Britain
Circle With Stone: Exeter's City Walls, 1485-1660
The Stone Circles of the British Isles
Circles and Standing Stones
The Dolmens of Jersey
Dolmens for the Dead: Megalith-Building Throughout the World
The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands
The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland
The Chambered Cairns of Caithness: An Inventory of the Structures and Their Contents
The Chambered Cairns of Orkney: An Inventory of the Structures and Their Contents
Standing Stones: Stonehenge, Carnac and the World of Megaliths
Standing Stones of Europe: A Guide to the Great Megalithic Monuments
Secrets of the Avebury Stones: Britain's Greatest Megalithic Temple
Places of Special Virtue: Megaliths in the Neolithic Landscapes of Wales
Deccan Megaliths
A Guide to the Megaliths of Europe
Stones Remain: Megalithic Sites of Britain
The Sphinx and the Megaliths
World of Megaliths
Megalithic Odyssey: A Search for the Master Builders of the Bodmin Moor Astronomical Complex of Stone Circles and Giant Cairns
Megaliths from Antiquity
Megalithic Odyssey: A Search for the Master Builders of the Bodmin Moor Astronomical Complex of Stone Circles and Giant Cairns
Megaliths: The Ancient Stone Monuments of England and Wales
Megaliths in history
Megaliths and Their Mysteries: A Guide to the Standing Stones of Europe
Megalith Builders
Megalith Builders of Western Europe
Malta und die Baukunst seiner Megalith- Tempel
Scotland B.C.: An Introduction to the Prehistoric Houses, Tombs, Ceremonial Monuments, and Fortifications in the Care of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Tomb of the Eagles: A Window on Stone Age Tribal Britain
Illustrated Guide to Old Sarum and Stonehenge (1898)
Stonehenge Decoded
Stonehenge adn Avebury
Stonehenge, Wiltshire
Henge Monuments: Ceremony and Society in Prehistoric Britain
Megalithic Sites in Britain
Megalithic Tombs and Long Barrows in Britain
Books from 
Argyll: An Inventory of the Monuments, Mid Argyll & Cowal, Prehistoric and Early Historical Monuments
The Ancient Monuments of Orkney
The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland: An Inventory of the Structures and Their Contents
The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands: An Inventory of the Structures and Their Contents
Circles Nothing But Circles: Map and Guide to the Stone Circles of England, Scotland and Wales
The Excavation of a Stalled Cairn at the Point of Cott, Westray, Orkney
Megaliths: The Ancient Stone Monuments of England and Wales
Megaliths, Myths & Men: An Introduction to Astro- Archaology
World of Megaliths
Megaliths from Antiquity
Places of Special Virtue: Megaliths in the Neolithic Landscapes of Wales
Megaliths and Their Mysteries: The Standing Stones of Old Europe
Megaliths in History
Standing Stones: Stonehenge, Carnac and the World of Megaliths
Megaliths, Myths and Men: Introduction to Astro-archaeology
Guide to the Megaliths Europe
Deccan Megaliths
The Good Stones: a New Investigation of the Clava Cairns
The Early Barrow Diggers
Cobble Circles and Standing Stones: Archaeology at the Rivas Site, Costa Rica
Standing Stones and Monuments of Early Ireland
Standing Stones and Mark Stones
Standing Stones of Europe: A Guide to the Great Megalithic Monuments of Europe
Prehistoric Avebury
Avebury: Biography of a Landscape
The Prehistoric Monuments of Avebury
Prehistoric Avebury
Secret of the Avebury Stones
Ancient Stones of Dorset
A Guide to the Prehistoric and Roman Monuments in England and Wales
A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
The Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany
Newgrange: Archaeology, Art and Legend
Knowth and the Passage-tombs of Ireland
Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland: County Sligo

Megaliths Books