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Continental Europe Archaeology
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General Resources and Programs
Western Europe
- archeologia sperimentale, eventi sulla preistoria musei archeologici
- Excavation Sites in Italy at the École française de Rome
- Perseus, Art and Archaeology - Catalogs of sites, buildings, and objects in the Greek world
- Sanctuary of Apollo, composite plan
- Hekatompedon Inscription Reconsidered (Acropolis)
- Barbarians on the Greek Periphery? Origins of Celtic Art
- Isthmia: Ohio State University Excavations Site
- The Kato Phana Archaeological Project, Chios
- University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia
- Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey
- Macedonia Rock Art Research Centre
- The Cave of Euripides on Salamis
- The Adriatic Islands Project
- The Dutch Archaeological Fieldwork Project at Geraki
- The Ancient City of Athens
- Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project
- The Aghia Kyriaki, Melos Project (Greece)
- The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean
- Archeologia Medievale - Università di Siena (Medieval Archeaology - University of Siena)
- Forum Novum - Vescovio
- Mugello Valley Archaeological Project and Poggio Colla Field School
- Etrurua: the Etruscan Land
- Tuscan Archaeological Service
- Campanaio Project: A Geophysical Survey (Italy)
- I Fani - Italy
- Alezio, Italy
- Prehistory and Protohistory in Liguria
- Percorsi di Pietra
- Rock Art in Valcamonica
- Archeologia Italiana
- Ancient Ships of Pisa
- Carta Archeologica d'Italia
- Laboratorio di Archeologia Sperimentale
- Roman Gold Mine of Bessa
- Caen - Model of Rome
- Roman Farming
- LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World
- Archaeological research in Sardinia
- Ancient Roman Recipes
- OSU Excavations at Isthmia
- Pompeii Forum Project
- Pompeii Interactive
- Anglo-American Project in Pompeii
- Learning to Read Rome's Ruins, A Vatican exhibit
- Roman And Late Antique Archaeology in Bulgaria
- Two bronze helmets of Etruscan typology
- Mugello Valley Archaeological Project and Poggio Colla Field School
- Archaeology Albania
- Archaeology in Albania
- Prehistoric Temples of Malta and Gozo
- Photos of Archaeological Sites in Ancient Greece
- Photos of Minoan & Mycenaean Archaeological Sites
- Ancient Greece Trivia Quizzes
- Roman History Trivia Quizzes
- Albania - Apollonia d'Illyrie La première cité grecque à porter le nom d'Apollon
- Italie - Campo delle Piane Palethnologie de l'habitat de plein air au Paléolithique supérieur dans les Abruzzes
- Italie - La Castellina Une cité étrusque et ses origines protohistoriques près de Civitavecchia
- Espagne - Labitolosa, une cité romaine des Pyrénées espagnoles
- Espagne - Les Ibères
- Macédoine - Mission archéologique de Madzahari
- Portugal - La villa de Torre de Palma (Alto Alentejo)
Books from 
New Directions in Scandinavian Archaeology
Multivariate Archaeology: Numerical Approaches in Scandinavian Archaeology
Everyday and Exotic Pottery from Europe, C. 600-1900
Context of a Late Neandertal: Implications of Multidisciplinary Research for the Transistion to Upper Paleolithic Adaptations at Saint-Cesaire
The Archaeology of Solvieux: An Upper Paleolithic Open Air Site in France
Aurignacian Lithic Economy - Ecological Perspectives from Southwestern France
The Archaeology of Brittany, Normandy and the Channel Islands: An Introduction and Guide
La grotte Cosquer : plongée dans la préhistoire
Roman Remains of Northern and Eastern France
Excavation of the Abri Pataud Les Eyzies (Dordogne, Part 3: Perigordian VI)
Ancient France 6000-2000 B.C.: Neolithic Societies and Their Landscapes
The East Brittany Survey: Fieldwork and Field Data
Pyrenean Prehistory: A Palaeoeconomic Survey of the French Sites
Vandals to Visigoths: Rural Settlement Patterns in Early Medieval Spain
Roman Provincial Capital and Its Hinterland: The Survey of the Territory of Tarragona, Spain
Iberia Before the Iberians: The Stone Age Prehistory of Cantabrian Spain
Prehistoric Iberia - Genetics, Anthropology, and Linguistics
Greek Pottery from the Iberian Peninsula: Archaic and Classical Periods
The Archaeology of the Iberians: Culture Contact and Culture Change in Iron-Age Europe
The Iberian Stones Speak: Archaeology in Spain and Portugal
The Origins of Complex Societies in Late Prehistoric Iberia
Social Complexity and the Development of Towns in Iberia: From the Copper Age to the Second Century A.D.
Morgantina Studies
Dynastic Porphyry Tombs of the Norman Period in Sicily
Ancient Sicily
Les Paliques, dieux jumeaux siciliens
Megara Hyblaia and Selinous: Two Greek City-States in Archaic Sicily
Books from 
A Comparative Study of Prehistoric Foragers in Europe and North America: Cultural Responses to the End of the Ice Age
Malta's Ancient Temples and Ruts
Ancient Greece
12 in. x 12 in.
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Europe Archaeology Books