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South and Mesoamerican Archaeology
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The Ceramics of Raquira, Colombia: Gender, Work, and Economic Change
Signs of the Inka Khipu: Binary Coding in the Andean Knotted-String Records
Ancient Maya Political Economy
The Art of Mesoamerica from Olmec to Aztec
Machu Picchu: Unveiling the Mystery of the Incas
Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru: New Discoveries and Interpretations
Heart of Creation: The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy of Linda Schele
Ancient Mesoamerican Warfare
Cahuachi in the Ancient Nasca World
Reconstructing Ancient Maya Diet
Royal Tombs of Sipan
Machu Picchu: Unveiling the Mystery of the Incas
Life and Death at Paloma: Society and Mortuary Practices in a Preceramic Peruvian Village
Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle De LA Plata: The Environmental Context of Human Habitation
Andean Archaeology
The Historical Archaeology of Buenos Aires - A City at the End of the World
Moundbuilders of the Amazon: Geophysical Archaeology on Marajo Island, Brazil
The Ancient Incas: Chronicles from National Geographic
The Art and Archaeology of Pashash
LA Galgada, Peru: A Preceramic Culture in Transition
Prehistory of the Ayacucho Basin, Peru: The Preceramic Way of Life
The Origins and Development of the Andean State
Archaeology of Formative Ecuador
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junin, Peru
Provincial Inca: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Assessment of the Impact of the Inca State
Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America
Forgotten Vilcabamba: Final Stronghold of the Incas
Early Settlement and Subsistence in the Casma Valley, Peru
An Archaeological Guide to Central and Southern Mexico
Art of the Incas and Its Origins
Patarata Pottery: Classic Period Ceramics of the South-Central Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Mexico
Early Ceremonial Architecture in the Andes
The Petroglyphs in the Guianas and Adjacent Areas of Brazil and Venezuela
The Ancient Ones: Sacred Monuments of the Inka, Maya & Cliffdweller
Andean Ecology and Civilization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Andean Ecological Complementarity
Traces on Tropical Tools: A Functional Study of Chert Artefacts from Preceramic Sties in Colombia
Chimu Pottery in the Department of Ethnography
Tiwanaku and Its Hinterland: Archaeology and Paleoecology of an Andean Civilization: Agroecology
Huanuco Pampa: An Inca City and Its Hinterland
Archaeological Field Research in the Upper Mantaro, Peru, 1982-1983: Investigations of Inca Expansion and Economic Change
The Maya
17 in. x 22 in.
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The Incas
17 in. x 22 in.
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South American Archaeology Books
Mesoamerican Archaeology Books