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British Isles Archaeology
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Landscape archaeology: an introduction to fieldwork techniques on post-Roman landscapes
Neolithic Britain: New Stone Age Sites of England, Scotland, and Wales
Tomb of the Eagles: A Window on Stone Age Tribal Britain
The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: Phonology and Chronology, C.400-1200
Megalithic Sites in Britain
Archaeologies of the British: Explorations of Identity in the United Kingdom & its Colonies 1600-1945
The Channel Islands: an archaeological guide
The Archaeology of the Channel Islands
Excavations on St. Patrick's Isle, Peel, Isle of Man, 1982-88: Prehistoric, Viking, Medieval and Later
Scalloway: A Broch, Late Iron Age Settlement and Medieval Cemetery in Shetland
Celts from Antiquity
Atlas of Prehistoric Britain
Roads in Roman Britain
Prehistoric Britain
Prehistoric Houses in Britain
Riddles in the British Landscape
Neolithic Britain
The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Periods in Britain
Iron Age Britain
Roman Forts in Britain
Field archaeology in Britain
National Trust Guide to Prehistoric and Roman Britain
The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage: Sixth to Eighth Centuries
A Thesaurus of British Archaeology
The Archaeology of Religious Places: Churches and Cemeteries in Britain
Archaeology in British Towns: From the Emperor Claudius to the Black Death
Medieval Fortifications (Archaeology of Medieval Britain Series)
Archaeology and the Prehistoric Landscape of Britain
Bronze Age Copper Mining in Britain and Ireland
Megalithic Tombs and Long Barrows in Britain
The Palaeolithic of Britain and its nearest neighbours: recent trends
Archaeology of the British Isles: With a Gazetteer of Sites in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Britain
Alluvial Archaeology in Britain
Prehistoric Britain from the Air: A Study of Space, Time and Society
British and Irish Archaeology: A Bibliographical Guide
The Peopling of Britain: The Shaping of a Human Landscape
Vessels for the Ancestors: Essays on the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland
Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles
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Neolithic Britain
Neolithic Britain and Ireland
The Stonehenge People: An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain 4700-2000 BC
An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Coin Finds 973-1086
Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures in the British Isles
Neolithic Britain: New Stone Age Sites in England, Scotland and Wales
A Guide to the Prehistoric and Roman Monuments in England and Wales
Archaeology of Mediaeval England and Wales
Archaeology of the British Isles: With a Gazetteer of Sites in England Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Later Prehistoric Pottery in England and Wales
Hillforts of the Iron Age in England and Wales: A Survey of the Surface Evidence
Britain BC: Life in Britain and Ireland Before the Romans
Circles of Stone: The Prehistoric Rings of Britain and Ireland
Prehistoric Pottery in Britain & Ireland
Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain & Ireland
Handbook for British and Irish Archaeology: Sources and Resources
The Sheela-na-gigs of Britain and Ireland
Ancient Rock Carvings from Great Britain and Ireland
Grooved Ware in Great Britain and Ireland (Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers)
The Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany
Archaeology of Late Celtic Britain and Ireland, c.400-1200 AD
Domestic Wooden Artefacts in Britain and Ireland from Neolithic to Viking Times
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