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African Archaeology
All links leave the site and open a new window
- ArchNET Resources for African Archaeology
- Grinco's Archaeology: Images from South Africa
- The Koobi Fora Field School
- Lepcis Magna - The Roman Empire in Africa
- Archaeology Africa
- BANI (Base d'Anthropologie physique du Niger) French
- Mali Interactive
- Michael C. Carlos Museum: Permanent Collection: Sub-Saharan African Art
- Mystery of Great Zimbabwe
- Ancient West African City of Benin
- Ethnoarchaeological Research in the Ethiopian Highlands
- Stone circles of The Gambia
- Koobi Fora Exploration
- The Garamantes of the Fezzan
- Hadrian Baths at Leptis Magna
- Tour of the major sights of the site of Lepcis Magna
- The Rock Paintings of the Upper Brandberg
- Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa
- The Iron Age Sites of GREEFSWALD
- Makapansgat Valley
- Thulamela
- Gebel Barkal, Nubia
- Soudan (First Nubian state, 2500-1500 BC)
- Exploring Nubia
- The Mahas Survey Project
- Archaeology in the Sudan
- Neolithic Skywatchers -- standing stones and megalithic structures in the Nubian Desert
- Nubia Salvage Project
- Roman Africa
- Center of Studies of African Archaeology
- Ancient Nile Valley: Kingdoms of Kerma and Punt
- The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies
- Journal of African Archaeolody
- African Archaeological Review
- African Archaeology -- The Search for the Beginnings of Humankind
- CNN - Africa losing priceless relics
- Enlisting Villagers as Spies Stops Smuggling of African Art
- Africa Reparations Movement -- Stolen African Treasures
- Archaeologists in ancient African community find
- Libya Rock Art
- Ancient Culture and Cognition in Africa Project
- Tanzanian dig unearths ancient secret
- The Asante Kingdom
- Base d'Anthropology Physique du Niger -- Institut de Recherche en Sciences Humaines de l'Universite de Niamey (France)
- Current Research in Africa -- University of Calgary
- Mission Archéologique et Ethnoarchéologique Suisse en Afrique de l'Ouest
- Northeast Nigeria, Archaeological Research: Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- The Ghana Ethnoarchaeological Project
- Projet Maya-Wandala
- Leptiminus Archaeological Project, Tunisia -- University of Michigan
- African Studies -- University of Pennsylvania
- Research Unit for the Archaeology of Cape Town
- Ceramics, metal craft and settlement in south-eastern Zimbabwe since ca 1400AD
- Archaeologist helps unroot hominid prints
- African and Comparative Archaeology at Uppsala University
- Stone Tools from Sterkfontein
- Tombs, Landscape and Society in Southern Madagascar
- African Rock Art -- Apollo 11 Cave (ca. 25,5000 -25,500 B.C.) and Wonderwerk Cave Stones (ca 8,000 B.C.)
- African Rock Art
- Africa: Continent of Origins
- Ammaedara, une ville au coeur de l'Afrique romaine et byzantine
- Maroc - Dchar Jdid Colonia Iulia Constantia Zilil
- Maroc - De Lixus à Volubilis, les monuments religieux de Maurétanie tingitane
- El Akarit, un gisement du Paléolithique moyen dans le sud de la Tunisie
- Tunisie - Sidi Jdidi, l'ancienne cité de ARADI
- Afrique du Sud - Drimolen, Le peuplement des Hominidés en Afrique du Sud au cours du Plio-Pléistocène, Un projet de la PESA (Palaeontological Expedition to South Africa)
- Gedi, une cité islamique médiévale du Kenya
- Nubie soudanaise - Gism el-Arba, Un habitant du royaume de Kerma, en Nubie soudanaise
- L'île de Saï, L'homme et son environnement en Nubie soudanaise
- Sedeinga, un chef lieu régional de Nubie soudanaise
- Tuto Fela, les stèles du Sidamo en Ethiopie
- Photos of Archaeological Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Photos of Archaeological Sites in North Africa
- The Fezzan Project: Geoarchaeology of the Sahara
- The Geoarchaeology of Western Sahara
Books from 
African Historical Archaeologies (Contributions to Global Historical Archaeology)
The Archaeology of Southern Africa African Edition
The Official Field Guide to the Cradle of Humankind: Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and Environs World Heritage Site
African Foragers: Environment, Technology, Interactions (The African Archaeology Series)
The Hunter's Vision: The Prehistoric Art of Zimbabwe
The Hunter's Vision: The Prehistoric Rock Art of Zimbabwe
An African Classical Age: Eastern and Southern Africa in World History, 1000 B.C. to A.D. 400
Africa: Through the Mists of Time
Museums and Archaeology in West Africa
The Lost City of Solomon and Sheba
Ethnoarchaeological Analysis of Human Functional Dynamics in the Volta Basin in Ghana: Before and After the Akosombo Dam
East African Archaeology: Foragers, Potters, Smiths, and Traders
The History of the African People of South Africa: From the Early Iron Age to the 1970s
Bono Manso: An Archaeological Investigation into Early Akan Urbanism
Le Sarnyéré dogon : archéologie d'un isolat, Mali
Aspects of African Archaelogy
Origins and Development of African Livestock: Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistics & Ethnography
Archaeology of Gonja, Ghana: Excavations at Daboya
The Hunters or the Hunted? an Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy
Rock Engravings of Southern Africa
Great Zimbabwe: The Iron Age in South Central Africa
Iron Technology in East Africa: Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
Ceramic Industries of Medieval Nubia
Analyses of slag, iron, ceramics, and animal bones from excavations in Mozambique
Catalogue of Stone Age Artefacts from Southern Africa in the British Museum
Stone Age Cave Site in Tangier

African Archaeology Books