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The Levant
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Israel and Palestine
Ancient Sites in Galilee: A Toponymic Gazetteer
Idols of the People: Miniature Images of Clay in the Ancient Near East
The Roads and Highways of Ancient Israel
Archaeology, History and Culture in Palestine and the Near East
Late Bronze Palestinian Pendants: Innovation in a Cosmopolitan Age
Jerusalem Ceramic Chronology: Circa 200-800 CE
Benchmarks in Time and Culture: An Introduction to Palestinian Archaeology
Terracotta Figurines and Plaques from Dura-Europus
The Discovery of Dura-Europos
Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity
An Early Neolithic Village in the Jordan Valley: The Archaeology of Netiv-Hagdud
An Early Neolithic Village in the Jordan Valley Part II: The Fauna of Netiv Hagdud
Arrowheads of the Neolithic Levant: A Seriation Analysis
One Hundred Years of American Archaeology in the Levant: Proceedings of the Asor Centennial Celebration
The Levant: History and Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean
Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Perspective
Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant, Ca. 1300-1185 B.C
Pastoralism in the Levant: Archaeological Materials in Anthropological Perspectives
The Natufian Culture in the Levant
Belmont Castle: The Excavation of a Crusader Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem
Egypt and the Levant: Interrelations from the 4th Through the Early 3rd Millennium BCE
Archaeology of Jordan
Jordan Past & Present: Petra, Jerash, Amman
Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan
Archaeological Survey of the Kerak Plateau
The Balaam Text from Deir Alla Re-Evaluated
Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution: Insights from Southern Jordan
Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, the Late Bronze Age Sanctuary
Studies on Roman and Islamic Amman
Excavations at Jawa 1972-1986: Stratigraphy, Pottery and Other Finds: Excavations and Explorations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Excavations at Tell Um Hammad 1982-1984: Early Assemblages (Eb I-II: Excavations and Explorations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Preliminary Reports of Asor-Sponsored Excavations, 1982-85
The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond
The Archaeology of the Wadi Al-Hasa, West-Central Jordan, Volume 1: Surveys, Settlement Patterns and Paleoenvironments
Archaeology in Jordan
Archaeology of Jordan. Volume II, 1: Field Reports, Surveys and Sites A-K
The Natufian Encampment at Beidha: Excavations at Beidha
Natufian Chipped Lithic
Natufian Culture in the Levant
The Natufian Culture in the Levant
Archaeological Sources for the History of Palestine: The Byzantine Through Late Islamic Periods
History of Ancient Palestine
Archaeology in the Holy Land
Excavation in Palestine
Archaeology of Palestine
The Archaeology of Society in the Holy L
Benchmarks in Time and Culture: An Introduction to Palestinian Archaeology
Shifting Sands: The Rise and Fall of Biblical Archaeology
Daily Life in Biblical Times (Archaeology and Biblical Studies, No. 5.)
Annual of ASOR vol. 56: A Gazeteer of Iron Sites in the North Central Highlands of Palestine; Seven Seasons of ASOR Excavations at Tell Qarqur, Syria
Early History of the Israelite People: From the Written & Archaeological Sources
Archaeology, artefacts and the Bible
Ancient Synagogues: Historical Analysis and Archaeological Discovery
The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land
Encyclopaedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land: O-Z
Excavations at Jalame: Site of a Glass Factory in Late Roman Palestine
Houses and Their Furnishings in Bronze Age Palestine: Domestic Activity Areas and Artifact Distribution in the Middle and Late Brozne Ages
Funerary Portraiture of Roman Palestine: An Analysis of the Production in Its Culture: Historical Context
Shiloh: The Danish Excavations at Tall Sailun, Palestine
Burial Patterns and Cultural Diversity in Late Bronze Age Canaan
A Gazetter of Buildings in Muslim Palestine
The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine
Scribes and Schools in Monarchic Judah: A Socio-Archeological Approach
The Philistines and Their Material Culture
The Islamic Baths of Palestine
The Balaam Text from Deir Alla Re-Evaluated
Petra: Art, History and Itineraries in the Nabatean Capital
Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant
Near Eastern Destruction Datings As Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology: Archaeological and Historical Studies: The Cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.)
Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan: The Iron Age Artefacts
Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan: The Iron Age Town
The Ancient Jews
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Levant Archaeology Books