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Arabian Peninsula and Gulf Islands
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- Zafar-Himyar, Yemen Expedition of the University of Heidelberg
- The Durable Dhow
- Graves dating back to 3000BC discovered, Oman
- Italian Mission to Oman - Excavation and Restoration of Khor Rori in the Dhofar Governorate
- Oman Archaeology Network Project
- Lost City of Arabia
- Ubar, Lost CIty Found -- JPL
- Ubar Optical/Radar
- The Search for Ubar - How Remote SensingHelped Find a Lost City
- United Arab Emirates History Interactive
- Old fortified farmstead, once the summer residence of the ruling Quwasim family, UAE
- Digging the Land of Magan, Oman
- Two historical sites unearthed
- Southern Oman yields ruins of an ancient city on the fabled frankincense route
- Roman Aqaba Project
- Yemeni Megaliths
- Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey
- Al-Buhais 18: Stone Age Burial Grounds and Settlement in the Desert
- Ujairah Petroglyphs (United Arabe Emirates)
- Archéologie du Fujairah (E.A.U.)
- Excavations and research projects in Ras al-Khaimah
- Lead isotope analyses from Tell Abraq, United Arab Emirates: new data regarding the 'tin problem' in Western Asia
- Wadi Hamam
- Hili Settlement
- The falaj system
- Archaeology Bulletins at the Al Ain Chapter of the Emirates Natural History Group
- The 1979-80 Excavations at Hili
- Archaeology in the UAE - The Fourth and Third Millenium B.C.
- Archaeology in Al Ain
- UAE Interactive - A Walk Through Time
- Digging in the Land of Magan
- Hili, une oasis de l'âge du Bronze à Abou Dhabi
- Mleiha, la période pré-islamique récente dans la péninsule d'Oman Mission archéologique française aux Emirats Arabes Unis
- Yémen - Shabwa, capitale du royaume de Hadramaout
- A Cemetery of the Late Pre-Islamic Age in al Zahirah (Sultanate of Oman)
- Oman Archaeology - German Archaeological Expedition to the Sultanate of Oman
- Archaeological Sites in Bahrain
- Written in Stone - Inscriptions from the National Museum of Saudi Arabia
- Digging up Julfar UAE
- Photos of Archaeology on the Arabian Peninsula
- Holocene Climate Change and Human Impact on the Landscape, Wadi Shumylya, Yemen
Books from 
Preliminary Survey in East Arabia (Jutland Archaeological Society Publications, 12)
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada'in Salih
Qaryat Al-Fau
Southern Arabia (New Aspects of Archaeology)
Bahrain Through the Ages: The Archaeology
Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands: The Geoarcheology of an Ancient Society (Prehistoric Archeology and Ecology)
Gala'at Al-Bahrain
Failaka/Dilmun: The Second Millennium Settlements Danish Archaeological Investigations in Kuwait the Bronze Age Pottery
Failaka/Dilmun: The Second Millennium Settlements Danish Archaeological Investigations in Kuwait the Stamp and Cylinder Seals
Failaka/Ikaros the Hellenistic Settlements: Danish Archaeological Investigations in Kuwait
Books from 
The Pre-Islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia
Supplement to the Pre-Islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia
Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam
Arabia Felix: An Exploration of the Archaeological History of Yemen
Miscellanea Hasaitica: Artifacts from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada'in Salih
Prehistory in North Eastern Arabia: The Problem of Interregional Interaction
Documentation for Ancient Arabia: Chronological Framework and Historical Sources
Bahrain Through the Ages: the Archaelogy
Historic Mosques and Shrines of Oman
Qala'at Al Bahrain: The Central Monumental Buildings: The Central Monumental Buildings
Qala'at Al Bahrain: The Northern City Wall and the Islamic Fortress
Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands: The Geoarchaeology of an Ancient Society
Islamic Remains in Bahrain
The Dilmun Temple at Saar: Bahrain and Its Archaeological Inheritance
Traces of Paradise: The Archaeology of Bahrain, 2500 BC-300 AD
Traces of Paradise: The Archaeology of Bahrain, 2500 BC-300 AD

Arabian Peninsula Archaeology Books