Descendants of Francis Redford, Emigrant to America, 1635
by June Reid, Stanton, Texas
If you seek family information for any of the surnames below, please bookmark
this page. I intend to make available various portions of Descendants
of Francis Redford, Emigrant to America, 1635. This extensive
twenty-year work traces the various lines of the Redford/Radford
family from Devonshire in England to Henrico County Virginia,
throughout the American South, on to Texas.
Far-ranging in its scope, this work not only traces various
family lines, it includes wills, letter and diary entries, verbal
transcripts, anecdotes, portraits, photographs, and resource
citations. With over 800 pages of information, the privately
printed book is standard textbook-size, roughly 7x10 inches. In
addition, it is hardbound with a textured, embossed jacket.
Because it is a private work, it is not obtainable commercialy
and will not be reprinted. There are limited copies available,
and the author is asking only for printing and shipping costs,
which puts the book at $35.00 per copy. I was thrilled to have
found the book in my mother's collection, and have hence ordered
my own copy.
If you are interested, please
the family.
Abbott Acres Adams Adkins Affolter Akers Alcott Alexander Allen
Alvarez Amos Anderson Andrews Angel Anson Archibald Ardanaz
Armstrong Arnold Arterburn Atalmach Atchley Atkins Atkinson
Atwood Aubrey Austin Avery Avorett Ayers
Babbican Bacon Baggett Bailey Baird Baker Baleu Ballender Barber
Barbour Bardin Barger Barlow Barnes Barnett Bartolina Barton
Baskins Bass Bean Beard Beaumont Bell Benedict Bennett Bent
Berkley Berry Bershal Beth Bethany Bias Billard Billingsly
Billington Bishop Bizzak Blackwell Blagrave Blair Blakely
Blankenship Blassingame Bleacher Bolen Bolling Booker Boothe
Boren Bosehem Bourland Bowers Bowles Boydstun Braddock Bradford
Bradshaw Branscum Braun Breton Bridwell Briggs Briolner Bristow
Britt Brooks Browder Brown Browne Browning Brumback Brummett
Bryan Bryant Bryson Buck Buckahan Buie Bullard Bullington
Burchland Burd Burke Burnett Burnside Burson Burton Bush Bushbomb
Buswell Butklieweitz Butler Byerly Byrd
Cady Caldwell Calkins Calles Callis Cameron Campbell Cannon Canon
Card Carlson Carroll Carson Carter Cary Cash Cates Cathey Cauble
Chambers Chandler Chapman Chapter IV Charlton Cheatam Chenault
Chenoweth Chew Childers Childress Chote Christopher Clack Clark
Clayton Clements Clemitt Clemmer Click Clinton Cloptern Clopton
Cocke Coffman Cofield Cole Collins Colyer Combs Conoway Cook
Cooke Cooper Copeland Coppock Corley Cornelius Cotton Cox Coyne
Crafton Craig Craig Creek Crenshaw Crews Criswell Croslin Crouch
Crumley Cullum Culpepper Curbow Curry Curtis
Dabney d'Almeida Damron d'Antignac Darnell Daughery Davenport
Davidson Davis Dayle De Hoy De Priest Deibel DeLane deLima Demecs
Denalt Dennison Denny Derges Derry Dethick Devenuta Dickinson
Dillon Dinwiddle Dishman Dittman Dodds Dodgen Dollahite Donahoo
Doods Dooley Doskocil Dotson Douglas Douglass Downer Drane Drew
Dreyer Driscoll Duiguia Duke Duncan Dunlap Dunn Durant Durr
Dutton Duval Duvall
Eaves Edison Edwards Egger Elam Eldred Ellington Elliott Ellis
Elmore Emmerson Enderson Engel Enoch Ensminger Epperson Epps Epps
Ernelstine Ernst Esser Ethridge Evans Eversole
Fain Fargo Farmer Farrah Farrar Farris Fass Faught Filbeck
Filbert Finch Finney Fisher Fitsgerald Fitzgarrett Fitzgerald
Fletcher Flippin Flook Flores Foote Ford Foreman Forland
Forrester Fort Foster Fowler Frances Franklin Frayser Frazier
Freamon Free Freeman Freme French Frey Friend Fry Fryman Fuquay
Gaertner Galbreath Gale Gardner Garnee Garner Garnier Garrett
Garthwright Gartner Gathings Gay Geisler Geistweidt Gibbs Gibson
Gilliam Gillock Gleane Glen Glenn Glisson Goad Goff Gooch Goode
Goolsby Goulston Gower Grady Graham Grammer Greeley Green Gregg
Gregory Gressett Grider Griffin Griggs Grizzle Groom Gune Gunn
Haberer Hacey Haily Hale Hallford Halmark Hamilton Hamm Hammond
Hampe Hampton Hamrick Hancock Hanes Hannah Hanson Hard Hardeman
Hardin Hardy Hare Hargan Harlan Harp Harris Harris Harrison Harte
Hartman Harwood Haskins Hasty Hatchell Hatchett Hatfield Hatley
Hawkins Hay Haygood Hays Hearne Hebert Hedgepeth Hedgpeth Hedler
Heeter Heflin Henderson Hendrickson Henry Hensley Henson Hernson
Hess Hibbits Hibbitts Hicks Hill Hinton Hitch Hoak Hodgkins
Hoffman Hogan Holcomb Holcombe Holland Holstone Holt Hoogestraat
Hopson Horn Horton Houchin Hounshell Houston Howe Howley Howser
Hoyt Hudson Huggins Hughes Hulme Hunger Hunter Hurt Hutcheson
Hymes Hynes
Iber Ieremia Ingraham Ingram Inman Irving Isbell
Jackson James Jarrell Jefferson Jeffrey Jeffries Jenkins Jennings
Jett Jiles Johanson Johndrow Johns Johnson Jolly Jones Jordan
Jorden Jordon Justice
Kaczowka Karstetter Kasoar Keesee Kelly Kemper Keng Kennedy Kent
Key Kidd Killough King Kinnard Kinslow Kirk Knapik Knott Kresser
Labhart Ladner Lamar Lamb Lampley Lancaster Langan Lange Langson
Lassiter Laurence Lawler Lawrence Lawson Learned Lee Lehman
Lessenberry Lester Lewis Lightfoot Lighty Lillie Lisenbe Lister
Little Locke Lodge Loftis Lorenz Lorett Lorey Loughery Love Lucas
Lucke Luckett Luedecke Luther Lyles Lynch Lyons
Maciel Maddox Maddox Madison Magness Mangum Manning Marcotte
Margan Margherio Marks Marshall Marshbanks Martin Martz Mathews
Maties Maxwell Mayberry Mayo Mays McCann McCaul McClain McClory
McCluny McClure McConnico McCord McCrosky McDonald McDowell
McElree McFarland McGinnis McGraw McIntosh McJordan McKinley
McKinney McLaughlin McMahon McNeel McNeely McNeil McNutt
McSpadden Mead Meador Meeks Melton Mensch Menzell Mercer Meredith
Merrill Middleton Miles Miller Milner Milton Minten Mise Mitchell
Mize Monroe Montgomery Moody Mooney Moore Moran Morand Morphis
Morris Mosely Mott Mulholland Murphy Myrick
Nabors Nance Narro Nash Neal Nelson Nemir Newman Nichols Nielson
Niewladomski Nix Nixon Nolen Nolling Nord Norrell North
Oakman Oates Ogletree Oliver Olsen Orndorf Ortegren Orth Osbourn
Otto Overton Owen Owens
Pace Page Painter Palmer Pameluna Pamfilon Pamhelon Pampelona
Pampeloyne Pamphilon Pamphiloun Pamplin Pampyloun Panfylon
Papaleo Parker Parkey Parks Pasho Patterson Paunfillun Paunfiloun
Payne Peacock Pearce Pearce Pearson Peck Peden Peevey Peloquin
Pendergraft Penderson Pennel Peritz Perkins Perrin Perry Pettus
Phares Philbert Philbird Phillips Pierce Pillows Plant Pleasants
Pledge Poe Polk Pollard Pollock Pope Potter Potts Pound Powell
Pratt Pressgrove Price Pritchell Proctor Prosner Pugh Pulley
Radford Ragan Rainey Rainwater Ramsey Randolph Range Ratford
Rawles Ray Readford Reagot Rebstock Redden Reddin Redford Reed
Reese Reid Reid Revello Reynolds Rhodes Rice Richards Richardson
Riddick Riemer Right Risinger Ritter Robbins Roberts Robertson
Robinson Rogers Roscoe Ross Rosson Royall Royster Royster Rucker
Rudisill Rudolph Ruffner Rule Russo Ryherd
Salmon Salyer Sampson Sanders Sappington Satterwhite Sawtelle
Sawyer Schaffer Schenback Schoefield Schreiber Schroeder
Schuerman Schultz Schwartzman Scott Screven Seaborne Seaburg
Seamon Sears Seldon Sepp Sevier Shaffner Shannon Sharoff Sharp
Shelburne Shelton Shepherd Sherman Shields Shipman Shipp Shirley
Shook Short Shupe Silvey Simack Simmons Simpson Sims Siratt
Skaggs Slaughter Smiley Smith Smithson Smythe Soane Somervell
Southall Sparks Spight Spivey Spooner Spottswood St. John Stacy
Stafford Stapleton Stark Starnes Steggs Stephens Stevens Stewart
Stewart Stokes Stone Storey Stovall Strachbein Straehmer Stranger
Stratton Strong Stulting Sturman Stutts Sullivan Sutton
Talley Talman Tapp Tate Taylor Teagle Teague Templeton Terrell
Terry Thomas Thompson Thornton Threldkeld Throgmorton Thronsberry
Throwbridge Tobin Tomlinson Toole Touchstone Traylor Trimble
Triplett Tuck Tucker Turk Turner Turpen Turpin Tybur
Uli Ullery Umstadt Underwood Utterback
Van Cleef Van Zant Vance Vandervoort Vardeman Vaughn Venice Venry
Veramendi Vivk Von der Leith Voss
Wade Waldroup Walker Wall Wallace Walson Walton Wangerman Wanton
Ware Warren Washington Waters Weathers Weaver Webb Weeks Weiland
Weintraut Weir Welch Wells Weltner Wendt Weston Wheatley Wheeler
Whitcombe White Whitley Whitlow Whitney Wigglesworth Wilbanks
Wilbourn Wilder Willbern Willeford Williams Williamson Willings
Willy Wilms Wilson Winborn Winburn Winkleman Winkler Winterton
Wisdom Wisenbaker Witcher Wolverton Wood Woodcock Woodfin Woodham
Woodley Woods Woodson Worlds Worsham Wray Wright
Yarborough Yarbrough Yeary York-Michael York-Morgan York-Stephens
York-Tammie Yousha
Zachary Zimmerman Zulauf Zumwalt