Genealogy in Canada
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- Search 1901 Canadian Census Records
Canadian Immigrant Records, Part One
Canadian Immigrant Records, Part Two
Ship Passenger Lists to Nova Scotia, Canada: Miscellaneous Ships
Ship Passengers Arriving in Canada (Letter A): 1919-1924
Manitoba Province, Canada: Immigrants extracted from the 1901 Census
Ontario Province, Canada: Immigrants extracted from the 1901 Census
Territories (Province of Alberta), Canada: Immigrants extracted from the 1901 Census
War of 1812: Miscellaneous Canadian Records
Canada Parliamentary Marriage and Divorces, 1867-1919
History of the Settlement of Upper Canada
Civil Service List of Canada: 1911
Rebellion of 1837, Upper Canada
Prince Edward Island, Canada Land/Gazetteer Records: 1880
Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada Land/Gazetteer Records: 1879
Eastern Townships and South Western Quebec, Canada Land/Gazetteer Records: 1881
Retired Allowances in the Civil Service of Canada: 1883
New Brunswick, Canada, Passenger Lists: 1834
Toronto Star Obituaries, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1999 - April 2000, February 2001
Ontario, Canada Obituaries, 1999-2001: Kitchener Record and Windsor Star
Ontario, Canada: Roman Catholic Marriages, 1827-1870
Ontario, Canada: Civil Marriage Registrations, 1869-73
Ontario, Canada Land Gazetteer, 1875-81
Manitoba Daily Free Press (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
Lethbridge Herald (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
Lennox County, Ontario Canada 1851 Census
Wellington County, Ontario Canada 1851 Census
Addington County, Ontario Canada 1851 Census
Essex District, Ontario, Canada Census, 1881 (Kingsville, Colchester, Sandwich, Pelee, Gosfield)
Kent County, Ontario, Canada, 1881 Census: Chatham, Wallaceburgh
Books from 
A Genealogical Gazetteer of England
Ontario Marriage Notices, 1830-1856
Ontario People, 1796-1803
Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867
Yarmouth: Nova Scotia Genealogies, Transcribed from the Yarmouth Herald
Family names of the island of Newfoundland
The sons and daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada
United Empire Loyalists
Books from 
In Search of Your Roots: a guide for Canadians seeking their ancestors
In Search of Your Canadian Roots 3rd ed.
Loyalist Children of Upper Canada: A Collection of Names
The Canadian Genealogical Handbook, a comprehensive guide to finding your ancestors in Canada
The Uncounted Irish in Canada and the United States
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of About 500,000 Passengers Who Came to the United States and Canada
Searching for your ancestors in Canada
La population des forts français d'Amérique (XVIIIe siècle) : répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures célébrés dans les forts et les établissements français en Amérique du Nord au XVIIIe siècle

Canadian Genealogy Books at Amazon.ca

Canadian Genealogy Books at Amazon.com
