Surnames: L
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- l'Anson
- La Marca Family
- Labbe Family in America
- Lackey Family
- Some ancestors and descendants of Gilbert Lacroix from 1641 to the present time
- Lacy/Lacey Family
- Lacy Family
- Lacy Family
- Ladd Family
- Ladner
- LaFerrière Genealogy
- LaFuente
- Lake Family of Lincolnshire
- LaLiberté, Laliberte, Liberty
- LaLonde and Roderick Family History Project
- Lamble - Guernsey Butchers
- Lambrechtsen Family
- Lamperts
- Descendancy Chart of Robert Lancaster Sr of Surry County, Virginia
- Landers Family Genealogy
- Landis
- Landon
- Landry
- Lane Family
- Descendants of Patrick Lane
- Descendants of Connor Lane
- George Lane
- Lane/Rogerson and Bebb/Riding
- Langerveld
- Langhorn
- Langhorn Family History
- Descendants of John Lanier
- Lanier
- Some Descendants of George Lanphere
- Descendants of Robert Lansing and Martha Bingham
- Lanyon of Penzance
- Laprath Family
- Lark Family Genealogy
- LaRue
- Lassiter Family
- Lawley Family History
- Lawson Lineage
- The Lawson Family of Yorkshire & Kent, England
- Layman Family
- Layton Family Bible
- From Kamenets-Podolsk to Winnipeg: the history of the Lechtziers, a pioneering Canadian family
- Descendants of Henry Ledbetter
- Association des Familles Leduc
- Descendants of Sandy Lee
- Lee, Cullen, Muldoon
- Descendants of Eli Legg and Jane Prince
- Lehnherr, Lenhnerr, Lehner Genealogy
- A Lemieux index: an introduction to the descendants of Pierre/Louis Lemieux of Rouen, Nomandy, France
- Lerew Genealogy
- Clan Leslie
- Lesmeister/Rodman Genealogy
- Lester Family Genealogy
- Levasseur
- Levasseur Family
- Léveillée - Bélanger
- Leucht Family History
- Some Descendants of John Lewis Sr.
- The Welsh Lineage of John Lewis Book from Ancestry.Com
- Lewis Family Tree
- Lewis Genealogy
- L'Heureux Genealogy - Généalogie
- Lillard Genealogy
- Descendants of James David Lindsay
- Linnemann Family
- Little
- Littlefield Family
- Littlefield Genealogy
- Livingston
- Family history and genealogical record of Daniel Livingston U.E. and some of his descendants
- Descendants of David Lloyd
- Lock, Locke
- Locke Family Association
- Lockhart Family
- Loeb Family Tree
- Loeb Family
- Long Family Tree
- Descendants of Adam Long
- Longsdorf
- Loomis Family Web Sites
- Looney Genealogy
- Looney Family Genealogy
- Lovinggood Family
- Lovrien (Lovering, Bartels, Benedict, French, Green, Haskins, Lockwood, Rhine, Shelgren, Yount)
- Abraham Lowe
- Lucas Family History
- Luce Family
- Pedigree for Martin Lueth
- Descendants of Robert Cummings Luke
- Descendants of Robert Luke
- Lukens Family History
- Lund Family of Denmark
- Lung Family
- Lupastean family from Bucovina: a monograph of one of Canada's people, the Romanians
- Lupo Family Genealogy and History
- Lusby Family of Maryland
- Lydell
- Lynn Family
- Lyon Family
- Lytle, Litle
Surname Genealogy Books